WWV data changed format since 12.12.2011 - Conversion utility by OK1DUB
Service status
This page, updated every 5 minutes, loads data from original NOAA address https://services.swpc.noaa.gov/text/wwv.txt
and converted it to old format (based on simple string editing program), supported by VOAProp software by G4ILO and
saved to https://ure.cz/wwv/wwv.txt for public usage.
WWV data changed directory structure since 09.12.2014 - see http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/news/new-website-qa
Missed magnetic field values in nT (corresponding to K-index) are simply assigned by table
at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/images/u2/TheK-index.pdf because of no any
source of nT values in ftp://ftp.swpc.noaa.gov/pub/latest/ folder (December 2014).
For current SSN (monthly Smoothed Sunspot Numbers) see http://www.sws.bom.gov.au/Solar/1/6 - you can insert corresponding
SSN value (rounded to integer) to SSN field in VOAProp software for accurate prediction. Be aware that this value will go back
to default (regarding to original file ssndata.txt in main program folder) every an hour if Auto Update is selected! (January 2017).
Beacons file UPDATE - you can replace actual file (beacons.txt) in your VOAProp folder (June 2023)
SSN file UPDATE - you can replace actual file (ssndata.txt) in your VOAProp folder (December 2024)
For HAM radio (amateur) purposes only
No guarantee of reliability of this conversion
Comments and suggestions please send to mirek@ok1dub.cz
Mirek, OK1DUB
Central Europe observation of ionospheric D-Region irregularities
SID Monitor & VLF Monitor
Central Europe NVIS multi-point continuous Doppler sounding
Doppler Monitor