[Ceska verze (Windows)]
[Ceska verze (ASCII)]
[English version] QRP beacon OK0EN
[OK0EN at Reverse Beacon Network]
[OK0EN at Nordic Real-Time Propagation] Outage from 18.08.2024 14:00 UTC to 19.08.2024 16:00 UTC due to a strong local thunderstorm with gusty winds [List of A1A MF/HF Beacons below 14 MHz]
[List of A1A MF/HF Beacons below 14 MHz] [RSGB’s Worldwide List of HF Beacons] [List of SW beacons worldwide by DL8WX] [Overview of the Ham Radio Beacons in OK & OM by OK2KKW] [French AM night on 3600 kHz - The AM Fone] [IARU Region 1 HF Bandplan] [Association des RadioAmateurs Constructeurs et Collectionneurs en Modulation d'Amplitude] History of beacon OK0EN / Original website of beacon OK0EN Here you can listen to (not only) beacon OK0EN: [Wide-band WebSDR receiver PI4THT] [KiwiSDR list] All reports received via post office (DIRECT ONLY) packet radio or e-mail are welcome and will confirmed by QSL card. OK1DUB Miroslav Najman Navigacni 787 252 61 Jenec u Prahy Czech Republic AX25: OK1DUB@OK0NAG.#BOH.CZE.EU e-mail: ok0en@ok1dub.cz SID Monitor & VLF Monitor Doppler Monitor |